ZitatThere is one thing I just have to say to all haters to this new LP era and especially to Chesters fans among them:
Chester dedicated his musical life for acceptance of personal life choices and against hate and bullying. And all I read last few days from seflcalled Chesters fans is nothing than disrespect for band's decision and cyberbulying them and especially Emily for making one. I've never had my feed so full of filth, bile, poison and hate as last few days. If this is the best of Chester's legacy - Hateful bullying folowers disrespectful to others choices I finally understand why he rather killed himself. Shame on you.
Also I need to say something about Emily, because there are so many lies on social media about her.
Yes, she have ties to Scientology, but ho, she is not part of it. Her parents are. You cannot choose your own parents. And it is dangerous to speak ill about it. Hell it Is dangerous to speak about it at all. So she is quiet and let crap fall to her head, because it Is safer for her. Safer for all of them to be quiet about it. Even tho it has to be so hard for them.
She is openly gay and identifies as Queer (and I am writing it as someone that do not like selfidentifying weirdoes), which are values that are against Scientology. Which means she just cannot be both.
Also many people hate her for not to apologizing to victims of her former friend. Apologize for what? Did she personally hurt someone? No, she did not. And when she find her friend did, thy stopped be friends. And that she found it at court where she wanted to help him? Yes, that is how courts work - to find the truth. She found it, he went to prison. He is the one that should apologize his victims. And to Emily too, because he lied to her. Technically she is in a way his victim too, just in different much smaller way.
Now you internet social justice warriors. You are saying how bad person she is. You've met her to claim that? No? Than how dare you? Do you really think, that her bandmades do not know these things? They had songs written and give those to first chick they met without any background check? Well this is not how it works. They know her five years. And I dare to say they know her well. You on the other hand knows her 5 days, made 5 minutes google search and spreading lies and hate from things cut out of any context all over social media and you feel superior about it. Shame on you second time.
Now if her believes will start to influence music she do, if she will try to push some kind of agenda into songs or to stage, if she will personally and knowinhly hurt anyone - trust me I'll be first to criticise her for that. But she so far did nothing like this. She is just doing good music and trying to keep her personal life personal. And it is very disrespectful from anyone that tries make her personal life public.
For those they wanted to switch her to someone else. many of you are just disappointed that they did not choose your candidate - Well world do not turns around your opinions and feelings. And this is not how it works. They had to click to each other in personal and creative waves. And they did. She is one of the reasons they finally healed. Be happy about that instead of jealousy that they found someone else than you wished for.
For those that do not like her singing. Well, she is nor Chester. Nobody is. And nobody can bring him back to life.
This was her very first show. She got to position after legendary singer. She had to be nervous as hell just to go to the podium. Nobody knew who will be their next singer ans she did not know how audience will react to her. Can you imagine the fear? and she sang very emotional songs ant it was on cameras, as she had to smear her tears of. Can you imagine those emotions? Until now she was in a band playing in small stages or as warmup to bigger names. And now she is in the center of the attention, in front of millions people watching her live even tho on just small stage relatively speaking. Most important show in her life singing one of the hardest songs written. Can you even imagine? And she knew she will be judged. Harshly.
So yes, she made some mistakes. Hell she made ton of them. Neither of those had anything to do wit her vocal capabilities tho. It was all the nerves and emotions. Hell Mike had several guitar mistakes and nobody cares about those. And of course some songs suited her better, some worst. That is how it is. Bud she found her stable ground in about middle of the show and second part was solid from her. She definitely proved herself as capable musician and singer. She just need to work on settling her emotions. Which will came with practicing. Which means each new show she will be better.
She do not sound like Chester. She is more metal sounding. It is not the same and it never will be. Which is not a bad thing. Someone will like it less off course, someone more. But saying that she is bad singer because of it is just hate for just not sound that you wants is again very disrespectful from you. Gues what - Chester live didn't sound in many songs anything like Chester on albums. You all tend to compare her only live music with his mastered record music, because that is what we all remember. Try to find some his live shows. Gues what? He made mistakes. Now you are comparing two similar things and you know what? They sound much more similar now.
To anyone that just saying, they should change their name: Why? Other bands did not. Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Black Sabath, AC/DC, Journey, Nightwish, Sirenia, Eluvetie, Delain, Static-X, Queen and tons of other bands Those are just on top of my head right now.. Hell Stratovarius have no original member for years and nobody cares about that. Band are multiple people, not just singer. And their band is like their child. If one parrent dies, do you want to other one to abandon his child? No. You want him to care more. This is what they are trying to do. If they want to make new music, lets be happy about it. Not to try to cancel them for it.
So please - stop spreading unnecessary hate, start thinking, before posting crap. You are just hurting everyone around you including yourself. If you don't like it, just do not listen to it. You do not have spam every post by it. Their old music will be there forever. You always can always just listen those and new era ignore. But stop crying that things are nor as you with it. World does not turns around you and your feelings and opinions. Instead try to be happy that others find way to be happy, that the band find a new spark to make new music. And Emily was in that spark. Instead to try to ruin day to others with poisonous comments.
Thank you.
Zitat von: Flauschi am Gestern um 17:54:01Dave Grohl ist erneut Vater geworden:
Zitat von: phluxx am Gestern um 16:07:03Irgendwie sehr amerikanisch - aber ich mag die amerikanische Herangehensweise grundsaetzlich, die alten Gepflogenheiten einfach mal wegzuwerfen, und was neues zu probieren.
Zitat von: phluxx am Gestern um 16:07:03Ob es was taugt? Muesste man mal ein Konzert mitgemacht haben... Auf jeden Fall ist die Sicht gerechter verteilt auf den Sitzplaetzen. Ich glaube darauf laeufts hinaus: Fuer die Sitzplaetze in den Raengen ist es gut, fuer den Innenraum nicht.
Zitat,,Wir sind wieder auf dem Weg, ein festes Ziel im Blick. Was unterwegs verloren ging, holen wir uns jetzt zurück"!
4 Promille sind wieder unterwegs!
Nach längerer Live-Abstinenz kommen wir jetzt in alter Frische und mit neuer Energie wieder zurück auf die Bühne. Tourstart ist der 01.11.2024 in Berlin beim ,,Grosstadtwahnsinn" im SO36.
11 weitere Termine stehen bisher fest.
Wir sind bereit - seid ihr bereit?
ZitatWar es früher wirklich besser?
12.09.2024 • 4 PROMILLE trinken wieder! Seit der EP [/url],,Reset" aus dem Jahr 2016 hat sich einiges bei der Band getan. Ab 2020 mit neuem Drummer und seit letztem Jahr zum Quartett geschrumpft, wurden neue Energien freigesetzt, Label gegründet und zwölf neue Stücke aufgenommen. Dabei knüpft die Band wieder an die späten 90er Promillos oder auch an die ,,Alte Schule" von 2006 an. ,,Zeitgeist" ist nach ,,Bereit" die zweite Single und auch der Titeltrack des neuen Albums, das am 18.10.24 erscheint. Das Video zur neuen Single ,,Zeitgeist" feiert jetzt bei uns Premiere.
Welche ist die geilste Zeit?
Damals, Heute, Besser, Schlechter, Stillstand, Veränderung, Nostalgie und Zukunft – das Hin- und Hergerissen Sein zwischen Früher, Jetzt und Bald thematisiert der Song, zu dem die Band schreibt: ,,Doch wenn wir offen bleiben für Neues und Werte wie Toleranz, Rücksicht und Empathie leben und weitergeben, dann müssen wir keine Angst vor der Zukunft haben." Oder wie es am Ende des Songs heißt: ,,Genau darum sitz ich jetzt wieder hier, an unserer Theke neben dir." Prost.
4 PROMILLE auf Tour
01.11.24 Berlin, SO 36 (Großstadtwahnsinn-Festival)
02.11.24 Jena, F-Haus
08.11.24 Düsseldorf, Pitcher
09.11.24 Düsseldorf, Pitcher
22.11.24 Freiburg, Crash
23.11.24 Lindau, Club Vaudeville
29.11.24 Hamburg, Monkey´s Music Club
30.11.24 Übach-Palenberg, Rockfabrik
07.02.25 Weinheim, Cafe Central
08.02.25 Schweinfurt, Stattbahnhof
21.02.25 Magdeburg, Factory
22.02.25 Schwerin, Club Zenit
ZitatSturzflug in den Festivalsommer 2025! 🦅 Eines steht jetzt schon fest: es geht höher, schneller, weiter! Wir bestätigen euch heute
Green Day × AnnenMayKantereit × SDP × Alligatoah × Electric Callboy × Nina Chuba × Biffy Clyro × 01099 × Yellowcard × Von Wegen Lisbeth × Wet Leg × Amyl and The Sniffers × BERQ × BLOND × IKKIMEL
Ihr habt jetzt schon riesig Bock auf das Hurricane 2025? Dann vergesst besser nicht, dass das gerade mal der erste Vorgeschmack auf unser Line-Up ist! Stay tuned, da kommt noch einiges auf euch zu!
Seid dabei: https://short.fkp.de/hutickets25
Zitat27.09. Element Of Crime | Wenn es dunkel und kalt wird in Berlin (Original Soundtrack) | CD, 2xLP, 3xLPcol | Quelle: Element Of Crime - Facebook